

Chitrak Haritaki : Baidyanath

Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹97.00.

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Chitrak Haritaki also called Chitraka Haritak Avaleha is an Ayurvedic formulation used to treat respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic rhinitis. It may also be helpful in managing cough, cold, and difficulty breathing (dyspnoea)[1,2]. It is also helpful in improving digestion power, treating bloating, and managing intestinal worms[3].

According to Ayurveda, Chitrak Haritaki helps balance Kapha-Vata and remove excess mucus from the lungs, thereby providing relief from the symptoms of asthma. These properties also aid in clearing out the air passage by helping release mucus from the lungs. Release of sputum/mucus from the respiratory tract helps in cough, cold, problems like bronchitis, and allergic rhinitis. Chitrak Haritaki also helps reduce Ama by improving digestive fire. This further helps in managing indigestion and controls the growth of worms infestation.

Chitrak Haritaki is available in herbal jam form. You can take 5-6 gm Chitrak Haritaki or as directed by the physician to manage the symptoms of asthma or cough. Take it once or twice a day, preferably after meals with milk. Avoid self-medication or taking Chitrak Haritaki in excess.

Chitrak Haritaki is generally well tolerated and does not have any side effects when taken in the recommended dose. However, it is advisable to consult the doctor before using Chitrak Haritaki.

What is Chitrak Haritaki made of?

Chitrak, Amla, Giloy, Harad, Bael, Kantakari, Gokshura, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ginger, Kalimirch, Pippali

What are the synonyms of Chitrak Haritaki?

Chitrak Haritaki, Chitrak Haritaki avaleha

What is the source of Chitrak Haritaki?

Plant Based


  1. Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which the airways to the lungs narrow and swell. It can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing. This condition is known as Swas Roga (asthma). Chitrak Haritaki can help control the symptoms of asthma and give relief in case of breathlessness. Taking Chitrak Haritaki helps to balance Kapha-Vata and remove excess mucus from the lungs. This gives relief from the symptoms of asthma.

  1. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is also called hay fever. It is an allergic reaction that causes sneezing, congestion, an itchy nose, and a sore throat. According to Ayurveda, allergic rhinitis is known as Vata-Kaphaj Pratishyaya which is caused due to impaired digestion and imbalance of Vata and Kapha. Taking Chitrak Haritaki helps fight the symptoms of allergic rhinitis as it has Kapha and Vata balancing properties.

  1. Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition in which there is an inflammation in the windpipe and the bronchi (branches) of the lungs which results in the accumulation of sputum. In Ayurveda, this disease is known as Kasa Roga. It is caused due to an imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas. When Vata dosha gets imbalanced, it blocks the Kapha dosha in the respiratory tract (windpipe) resulting in the accumulation of sputum. This condition further results in congestion in the respiratory tract that obstructs the air pathway. Chitrak Haritaki is an Ayurvedic preparation that can help remove dryness and release sputum out of the respiratory tract. This is due to its Vata and Kapha balancing properties.

  1. Cough and cold

A cough is quite a common ailment, which usually happens with the cold. It is commonly known as Kapha disorder in Ayurveda. A cough is generally caused by the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Chitrak Haritaki is an effective herb in managing cough and cold. Chitrak Haritaki controls cough, releases mucus, clears air passages, thus allowing the patient to breathe freely. This is due to its Kapha and Vata balancing property.

  1. Indigestion

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia and stomach upset, is a state of an incomplete process of digestion. It can be characterized by a sensation of pain or discomfort in the upper abdominal region accompanied by a feeling of fullness, bloating, and flatulence. According to Ayurveda, indigestion is termed as Agnimandya. This occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. Whenever the consumed food is left undigested due to Mand Agni (low digestive fire), it results in the formation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). Chitrak Haritaki helps to manage indigestion and reduce Ama by improving digestive fire.

  1. Worm infestation

Ayurveda has elaborately described the worms as Krimi. According to Ayurveda worm growth is encouraged by low Agni (weak digestive fire). Low digestive fire acts as a primary causative factor in creating an ideal host body for worms. Chitrak Haritaki is a useful herb to treat worm infestation by improving digestive fire and inhibiting the growth of intestinal worms by destroying the favorable condition in the intestine.


  • Chitrak Haritaki Gel – 5-6 gm twice a day or as directed by the physician.


-Take 5-6 gm Chitrak Haritaki

-Have it with milk once or twice a day, preferably after food

#To get rid of the symptoms of asthma or cough.

Additional information

Pack Size

50 Gms


Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhawan Ltd.

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    Chitrak Haritaki : Baidyanath
    Chitrak Haritaki : Baidyanath
    Original price was: ₹110.00.Current price is: ₹97.00.