


Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹120.00.

Ashwagandha may improve the individual’s ability to deal with stress.
Stress increases the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) which in turn increases the cortisol levels (stress hormone) in the body.
Stress can usually be attributed to an imbalance of Vata dosha, and often presents with irritability, insomnia, and fear. Taking Ashwagandha powder helps in balancing Vata and thus reduces the symptoms of stress.
1. Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Ashwagandha root powder and boil it in 2 cups of water.
2. Add a pinch of ginger. Boil till it reduces to half.
3. Cool the mixture and add honey to enhance its taste.
4. Drink this tea to relax your mind.

Ashwagandha for Anxiety
According to Ayurveda, anxiety is associated with aggravated Vata dosha, so one must concentrate on pacifying excess Vata in the body. Ashwagandha has the property of balancing Vata dosha and is good for managing anxiety.

benefits of Ashwagandha for Male infertility
Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress-induced male infertility by lowering stress. This is due to its Vata balancing property. It also helps to reduce the chance of male infertility by improving sperm quality and quantity. This is because of its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) property.
1. Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Ashwagandha root powder along with ghee, sugar and honey daily for a month once or twice a day to improve sperm quality.
2. Or, mix 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Ashwagandha root powder in a glass of warm milk. Drink this at bedtime.

benefits of Ashwagandha for Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 & Type 2)
According to Ayurveda, there are two types of diabetes therapy. One is Aptarpana (de-nourishment) and Santarpana (replenishment). Aptarpana treatment is useful in obese diabetics with Kapha body type and Santarpana treatment is useful in lean diabetics usually with Vata or Pitta type body. Ashwagandha works on both types of therapies by balancing Vata and Kapha dosha.
Take 1 Ashwagandha capsule or tablet twice a day with milk or warm water after 2 hours of meals along with your existing treatment.

benefits of Ashwagandha for Arthritis
Ashwagandha is useful to manage pain in arthritis. According to Ayurveda, arthritis occurs due to an aggravation of Vata dosha and is known as Sandhivata. It causes pain, swelling, and joint mobility. Ashwagandha powder has Vata balancing property and gives relief from the symptoms of arthritis-like pain and swelling in the joints.
1. Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Ashwagandha root powder.
2. Mix it in 1 glass of milk.
3. Drink this thrice a day.
4. Continue for at least 1-2 months for better results.

benefits of Ashwagandha for Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Hypertension is known as Rakta Gata Vata in Ayurveda which means elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. The aim of Ayurvedic treatment for hypertension is identifying the root cause of the condition and then taking herbs that can eradicate the problem from its roots. Stress or anxiety is also a root cause of hypertension and taking Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress or anxiety and thus control high blood pressure.
Start with 1 capsule or tablet of Ashwagandha two hours after meals with milk. Also, monitor your blood pressure regularly while taking Ashwagandha with other antihypertensive drugs.

benefits of Ashwagandha for Parkinson’s disease
Ashwagandha helps to control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
A disease condition ‘Vepathu’ described in Ayurveda may be correlated with Parkinson’s disease. It is caused by vitiated Vata. Taking Ashwagandha powder balances Vata and also helps to reduce the degeneration of cells which controls the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Ashwagandha is available in 3 forms:
1. Powder (Churna)
2. Capsules
3. Tablet
4. Oil
How to take Ashwagandha powder
You can take Ashwagandha powder with either milk or honey.
1. Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon Ashwagandha powder along with 1 cup lukewarm milk or 1 teaspoon honey.
2. Take it preferably 2 hours after meals.
How to use Ashwagandha oil ?
Ashwagandha oil is said to pacify Vata and Kapha doshas and increase Pitta energy. Ashwagandha oil is safe to use locally and for full body massages.
1. Take some oil in your palm and apply generously over the affected area.
2. Massage the oil.
3. Cover your body immediately after using this oil.
4. Avoid body contact to cold weather immediately after massaging with Ashwagandha oil.

Can Ashwagandha increase testosterone hormone
Yes, Ashwagandha might improve the level of testosterone hormone. It helps increase testosterone levels in stressed individuals by decreasing the level of stress hormone, Cortisol. Ashwagandha being a potent aphrodisiac also helps in the development of testes thereby improving testosterone synthesis. Thus, Ashwagandha not only increases testosterone but is also good for other male sexual disorders


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Ashwagandha is an important herb of the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. The root of the herb has a distinctive smell that resembles the sweat of a horse, giving it the name Ashwagandha. In the Ayurvedic textbook ‘Bhavaprakasha’, the properties of Ashwagandha are illustrated in below shloka:

गन्धान्ता वाजिनामादिरश्वगन्धा हयाद्वया। वराहकर्णी वरदा बलदा कुष्ठगन्धिनी ||
अश्वगन्धाऽनिलश्लेष्मश्वित्रशोथक्षयापहा । बल्या रसायनी तिक्ता कपायोष्णाऽतिशुक्रला ॥ -भावप्रकाश

Ashwagandha is known to provide aid in managing problems associated with stress and anxiety due to its Rasayana (Rejuvenating) and Vata balancing properties. These properties may also help in diabetes management. It also has Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property which helps in improving stamina and treats conditions like erectile dysfunction. Root powder of Ashwagandha can be taken with milk to help manage male infertility and erectile dysfunction. It is used as a nervine tonic for various nerve-related problems. It provides aid in the management of stress and anxiety. It stabilizes the body’s response to stressful conditions.
One important precaution with Ashwagandha is that it should be avoided during pregnancy as it might increase uterine contractions.
What are the synonyms of Ashwagandha?
Withania somnifera, Indian Ginseng, Ajagandha, Vajigandha, Winter Cherry, Varahkarni, Asgandha
What are the source of Ashwagandha ?
Plant Based



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