

Neeri Tablet

Original price was: ₹171.00.Current price is: ₹155.00.

Neeri is used by various doctors [ MBBS, BAMS, MD ] for various indication like UTI infection, kidney stone and other stomach related pain.

100 in stock


Neeri tablet, Urine track infection, burning, painful urination, kidney stone,

30*1 strip

Know more about Neeri Tablet

Neeri Tablet:
Neeri tends to resolve urinary problems. Neeri is a corrective and preventive management in various urinary problems such as burning micturition, chaotic or turbid urine with occult blood and painful urination. Neeri is a complete solution that not only normalises the deranged functioning of kidneys but also prevents the recurrence of urinary disorders thus protecting kidneys from recurrent infection and associated problems.


Key Ingredients:
Moolikshar, Daruharidra, Sheetalchini, Ikshumool, Gokhru, Varuna


It is useful in UTIs, recurrent UTIs, painful urination (dysuria), urine with occult blood, and other signs associated with urinary problems.


Key Benefits:

Relieves symptoms of UTIs within a few minutes

Soothes urinary tract and regulates urinary pH

Helps to prevent recurrence in UTIs

Acts as nephro-protective

Exerts excellent microbial action

Minimizes the risk of recurrence of urinary problems

Directions For Use:

For adults: 2 tablets thrice a day

For children(6-12 years): 1 tablet twice or thrice a day


Safety Information:

Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the recommended dosage

Use under medical supervision

Store in a cool and dry place



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    Neeri Tablet
    Original price was: ₹171.00.Current price is: ₹155.00.